Why pain is good for you
Anyone who has experienced pain in any form never misses it when it’s gone. Pain is one of those unavoidable aspects of life, even though we dislike experiencing it. However, just because we don’t enjoy it doesn’t mean the pain is entirely negative.
Consider the scenario of unknowingly placing your hand on a hot stove. The pain you feel compels you to quickly remove your hand, preventing it from burning. Without that pain, your hand would remain on the stove and sustain severe burns. In this case, pain served a purpose. It delivered a message to remove your hand and avoid further harm. Therefore:
Pain is information. It is our body’s way of saying, “Pay attention—something isn’t right.”
The next time you feel pain, instead of complaining about it, I encourage you to reflect on the information it might be trying to convey. You may emerge on the other side as a wiser person.