A simple viz is all you need

Tips for effective data communication


Joram Mutenge


September 17, 2024

can you name these phone models?


When I was a kid, I was a phone fanatic. I couldn’t get enough of phones because they were the most advanced technology I could afford.

I remember playing Snake on the Nokia 1100. I was addicted to that game. Now whenever I hear the Nokia tone, Snake comes to mind. It’s like a Pavlovian effect.

When I was in primary school, my friend brought the Motorola Razr to school. It was my first time to see such an advanced phone. The flip was mesmerizing. Then he played Nelly’s Dilemma on it. I couldn’t believe that actual music was coming out of the phone. When I reached home, I told my friends all about that experience.

In secondary school, another friend brought the BlackBerry Pearl. He told me he could send free text messages using BBM provided he sent it to another person with a BlackBerry. I was intrigued.

The Samsung E250 was the first advanced phone I ever owned. The sound that came out of that phone using the original earphones was unmatched. I remember having Jason Derulo’s Ridin’ Solo on repeat. I’m an iPhone guy now, but the Samsung E250 will always have a special place in my heart.

The LG Chocolate I owned briefly. It was an interesting phone, especially with an LED keypad. I loved showing it off to people because they’d never said anything like it.

Thanks for indulging me in recounting my adventures with phones, but this article is not about phones. It’s about how you can effectively communicate your message using data visualization.

The dataset

Did you know that the world’s best-selling phone is the Nokia 1100? I know. I also thought the iPhone had that spot but no – and it’s not even close.

I’ll use a dataset of phone sales for the five phones in the picture and walk you through the process of creating an effective visualization to communicate the message that the Nokia 1100 is the best-selling phone.

import polars as pl
from pathlib import Path

data = (pl.read_parquet('/Users/mute/Desktop/capstone/blog/datasets/handsets.parquet')
shape: (50, 3)
Year Phone Sales
i64 str i64
2006 "Nokia 1100" 22992000
2006 "Samsung E250" 18921000
2006 "LG Chocolate" 11479000
2006 "Motorola Razr" 16314000
2006 "BlackBerry Pearl" 21898000
2015 "Nokia 1100" 27159000
2015 "Samsung E250" 25866000
2015 "LG Chocolate" 24107000
2015 "Motorola Razr" 22381000
2015 "BlackBerry Pearl" 16867000

We have 50 rows of data. Let’s pivot on the phone so that every phone type is a column.

df = (data
 .pivot(on='Phone', values='Sales', index='Year')
shape: (10, 6)
Year Nokia 1100 Samsung E250 LG Chocolate Motorola Razr BlackBerry Pearl
i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64
2006 22992000 18921000 11479000 16314000 21898000
2007 29181000 18996000 27792000 13199000 13330000
2008 31112000 26673000 29631000 18464000 20653000
2009 27715000 26396000 19018000 10287000 18171000
2010 23660000 19437000 18472000 10479000 22534000
2011 19788000 16590000 18846000 12333000 13570000
2012 29664000 23198000 19884000 28252000 17146000
2013 24860000 23677000 13136000 15136000 12725000
2014 30849000 29380000 28278000 15775000 14588000
2015 27159000 25866000 24107000 22381000 16867000

Now that we’ve got the data in a desirable format, let us create a line plot to communicate our message that the Nokia 1100 is the best-selling phone.

Default visualization

The default visualization below communicates the message contained in our data. However, it requires the audience to expend a lot of mental energy to get that message. That’s because the plot is too busy. For instance, it has many colors that don’t mean anything. This makes it difficult for the audience to get the message at a glance. They constantly have to shift their focus back and forth between the lines on the plot and the legend on the side to determine which phone represents what line. We can do better than this.

The technical term for this is data-ink ratio, which refers to the proportion of the plot’s ink displaying the actual data compared to the total ink used in the chart. Ideally, you want a high data-ink ratio. This can be achieved by emphasizing elements that contain the message you want to communicate and reducing elements that don’t. Thus, the focus should be on the lines of the plot and color should be used sparingly.

import plotly.graph_objects as go

fig = go.Figure()
for phone in ["Nokia 1100", "Samsung E250", "LG Chocolate", "Motorola Razr", "BlackBerry Pearl"]:


Better visualization

In the plot below, I’ve removed the legend and employed a technique called direct labeling. Having the phone name right at the end of the line it represents allows the audience to quickly see the sales trend of any phone.

fig = go.Figure()
for phone in ["Nokia 1100", "Samsung E250", "LG Chocolate", "Motorola Razr", "BlackBerry Pearl"]:
    color = 'blue' if phone == "Nokia 1100" else 'grey'
        text=[None] * (len(df["Year"]) - 1) + [phone],  # Show text only at the last point
        textposition='top center',
    showlegend=False,  # Remove the legend
    width=690,  # Increase the width of the figure

You will notice that I have also used color sparingly and with intention. Remember, the message to communicate is that the Nokia 1100 is the best-selling phone; hence I’ve made the sales trend line for the Nokia 1100 blue. Our eyes are usually drawn to things that are different from the group. I’m nudging the audience to pay attention to the trend line of the Nokia 1100 sales by using a different color and the same color for the trend lines for all the other phones. Additionally, I’ve changed the background color to make the plot uniform.

Best visualization

We’ll ensure that the final visualization doesn’t only effectively communicate our message but is also aesthetically pleasing to the audience’s eyes. We’ll start by removing the label on the X-axis. We already know that 2006 or 2012 are years. There’s no need for a label to indicate that these are years.

fig = go.Figure()
for phone in ["Nokia 1100", "Samsung E250", "LG Chocolate", "Motorola Razr", "BlackBerry Pearl"]:
    color = 'blue' if phone == "Nokia 1100" else 'grey'
    line_width = 3 if phone == "Nokia 1100" else 2  # Thicker line for Nokia 1100
    text_color = 'blue' if phone == "Nokia 1100" else 'grey'  # Set text color for Nokia 1100
        line=dict(color=color, width=line_width),  # Set the line width here
        text=[None] * (len(df["Year"]) - 1) + [phone],  # Show text only at the last point
        textposition='bottom center',
        textfont=dict(size=9, color=text_color)  # Set text color here

    title="<b>The amazing sales of Nokia 1100<br>(2006 - 2015)</b>",
    title_font=dict(size=20),  # Set title font size
        showgrid=False,  # Remove grid lines
        tickfont=dict(size=14, color="#3d3846"),  # Set x-axis label font size and color
        showgrid=False,  # Remove grid lines
        tickfont=dict(size=14, color="#3d3846"),  # Set y-axis label font size and color
    showlegend=False,  # Remove the legend
    width=690,  # Increase the width of the figure

import base64

# Open the image file and convert it to a base64 string
with open("logo.png", "rb") as image_file:
    encoded_image = base64.b64encode(image_file.read()).decode()

# Use the base64-encoded string as the source
        source=f"data:image/png;base64,{encoded_image}",  # Use Base64-encoded image


Notice that the trend line for Nokia sales is thicker than the rest of the lines. Here I’ve altered one category of the preattentive attributes (form) by increasing the linewidth of the trend line that I want the audience to focus on. Preattentive attributes help us notice something without paying much attention to it. The fact that it’s different from the things within its surroundings catches our attention. Other categories of preattentive attributes include color, spatial position, and movement.

Lastly, I’ve provided a title to describe the main idea I want to convey in the visualization. The audience can simply read the title and know what the visualization is about.

Notice my company logo at the bottom right of the plot.

Now this is a better-looking plot. Wouldn’t you agree?


Simple does NOT mean less work. Notice how much code we had to write to produce a simpler and more informative plot.