Effective table presentation with code

How to design tables that are easy to understand


Joram Mutenge


August 20, 2024

Most people don’t think about tables when they think about data visualization. But tables deserve as much attention as you put in your charts. To effectively communicate the message in your data, it’s important to understand the rules for presenting data in tables.

Let me load the dataset so we can see the raw data.

import polars as pl
import polars.selectors as cs
from pathlib import Path

df = pl.read_parquet(f"{Path('../../../')}/datasets/gender_earnings.parquet")
shape: (5, 7)
Year All_Males All_Females Male_Busdrivers Female_Busdriver Male_Cashier Female_Cashier
i16 f32 f32 f32 f32 f32 f32
2011 59.4688 54.719101 60.7323 55.1283 58.927399 54.105202
2012 61.336102 56.353001 61.977901 56.693298 60.908199 55.842602
2013 63.0993 57.787083 63.769402 58.6255 62.429298 57.2281
2014 65.424004 59.251598 65.827599 60.235298 64.818604 58.830101
2015 67.082901 60.867199 67.284798 61.694 66.612 60.6605

Now let me show you a poorly designed table that attempts to communicate some insights from the raw data, then I’ll walk you through the process of improving it.

Figure 1: a poorly designed table

Figure 1 shows all the data we need to see, yet it’s hard to understand what is going on. The message is not easily communicated, meaning you’ll have to spend more time on the table to understand the message.

To begin with, it has two headers that break in the middle of the table. There must be a way to combine these headers, especially since the values in Year are repeating.

We can also group columns based on the category. For example, cashier can have males (Men) and females (Women) together.

Let’s see how incorporating the above points can make our table look better and thus communicate our message effectively. I’ll use the great-tables library to redesign Figure 1.

from great_tables import GT, html

    GT(df, rowname_col='Year')
    .tab_header(title=html("<h4>Average earnings for men and women,<br>overall and by occupation</h4>"))
    .cols_label(All_Males=html('<b style="color: grey;">Men</b>'),
                All_Females=html('<b style="color: grey;">Women</b>'),
                Male_Busdrivers=html('<b style="color: grey;">Men</b>'),
                Female_Busdriver=html('<b style="color: grey;">Women</b>'),
                Male_Cashier=html('<b style="color: grey;">Men</b>'),
                Female_Cashier=html('<b style="color: grey;">Women</b>'),
    .tab_spanner(label=html("<b>All</b>"), columns=['All_Males', 'All_Females'])
    .tab_spanner(label=html("<b>Busdrivers</b>"), columns=['Male_Busdrivers', 'Female_Busdriver'])
    .tab_spanner(label=html("<b>Cashiers</b>"), columns=['Male_Cashier', 'Female_Cashier'])

Average earnings for men and women,
overall and by occupation

All Busdrivers Cashiers
Men Women Men Women Men Women
2011 59.4688 54.7191 60.7323 55.1283 58.9274 54.1052
2012 61.3361 56.353 61.9779 56.6933 60.9082 55.8426
2013 63.0993 57.787083 63.7694 58.6255 62.4293 57.2281
2014 65.424 59.2516 65.8276 60.2353 64.8186 58.8301
2015 67.0829 60.8672 67.2848 61.694 66.612 60.6605
Figure 2: a better designed table

In Figure 2 I removed the bottom header to only remain with one header and created hierarchies in that header. Reading from left to right, the first hierarchy in the header contains the values All, Busdrivers, and Cashiers. Since these values in the first hierarchy contain categories; men and women, I have grouped those categories under each of them.

The benefit of using a hierarchical table is that it gives insights into conditionals. For example, we can ask: What is the average wage for a cashier conditional on being a woman? Answering this question is easy when the data is presented like in Figure 2, but not in Figure 1.

We can increase the readability of Figure 2 by using adjusting whitespace between the spaces of the columns in the table.

We can further differentiate between the two hierarchies in the header with color. I’ll use grey for the second hierarchy.

To make the appearance of numbers in the table consistent I’ll round them all to 1 decimal place.

Lastly, I’ll add a footnote to show the source of our data.

from great_tables import GT, md, html

set_width = '100px'
width_dict = {col: set_width for col in df.columns}

    GT(df, rowname_col='Year')
    .tab_header(title=html("<h4>Average earnings for men and women,<br>overall and by occupation</h4>"))
        source_note=md("**Note**: Data is simulated. The units is guavas.")
    .cols_label(All_Males=html('<b style="color: grey;">Men</b>'),
                All_Females=html('<b style="color: grey;">Women</b>'),
                Male_Busdrivers=html('<b style="color: grey;">Men</b>'),
                Female_Busdriver=html('<b style="color: grey;">Women</b>'),
                Male_Cashier=html('<b style="color: grey;">Men</b>'),
                Female_Cashier=html('<b style="color: grey;">Women</b>'),
    .tab_spanner(label=html("<b>All</b>"), columns=['All_Males', 'All_Females'])
    .tab_spanner(label=html("<b>Busdrivers</b>"), columns=['Male_Busdrivers', 'Female_Busdriver'])
    .tab_spanner(label=html("<b>Cashiers</b>"), columns=['Male_Cashier', 'Female_Cashier'])
    .fmt_number(columns=cs.float(), decimals=1, use_seps=False)

Average earnings for men and women,
overall and by occupation

All Busdrivers Cashiers
Men Women Men Women Men Women
2011 59.5 54.7 60.7 55.1 58.9 54.1
2012 61.3 56.4 62.0 56.7 60.9 55.8
2013 63.1 57.8 63.8 58.6 62.4 57.2
2014 65.4 59.3 65.8 60.2 64.8 58.8
2015 67.1 60.9 67.3 61.7 66.6 60.7
Note: Data is simulated. The units is guavas.
Figure 3: an even better designed table

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