The many ways to rename columns in polars


Joram Mutenge


July 23, 2024

Dataframes that have column names with spaces in them can be annoying to work with. I like to remove any spaces or unusual characters from column names. This makes it easier to perform operations on the dataframe. The main advantage you get with columns that don’t have spaces is that you can access them using the dot method. Let me show you what I mean.

import polars as pl
pl.Config(tbl_rows=6) #this displays only 6 rows of dataframe
from pathlib import Path

df = pl.read_parquet(f"{Path('../../../')}/datasets/regional_sales.parquet")
shape: (20, 5)
Customer ID Customer Name Region Name Segment Sales In Dollars
i64 str str str i32
740150 "Barton LLC" "US" "Gold" 215000
714466 "Trantow-Barrows" "EMEA" "Silver" 430000
218895 "Kulas Inc" "EMEA" "Platinum" 410000
257198 "Cronin, Oberbrunner and Spence… "US" "Platinum" 425000
604255 "Halvorson, Crona and Champlin" "US" null 430000
163416 "Purdy-Kunde" "APAC" "Silver" 410000

The only column without a space in the dataframe above is Segment. I can access this column using the dot method as shown below.
shape: (20, 1)

However, I cannot use the dot method to access any of the columns with spaces, for instance, Customer ID. To access it I need to enclose the column name in square quotation marks as shown below.'Customer ID'))
shape: (20, 1)
Customer ID

Removing spaces in column names is the first data-cleaning step I take when I’m doing that analysis. I’ll show you three ways to clean up the column names in our dataframe.

Method 1

This is the manual way because it involves copying every column name with a space and giving it a name without a space. I don’t advise you to use this method if you have a dataset with many columns.

 .rename({'Customer ID':'Customer_ID',
          'Customer Name':'Customer_Name',
          'Region Name':'Region_Name',
          'Sales In Dollars':'Sales_In_Dollars'})
shape: (20, 5)
Customer_ID Customer_Name Region_Name Segment Sales_In_Dollars
i64 str str str i32
740150 "Barton LLC" "US" "Gold" 215000
714466 "Trantow-Barrows" "EMEA" "Silver" 430000
218895 "Kulas Inc" "EMEA" "Platinum" 410000
257198 "Cronin, Oberbrunner and Spence… "US" "Platinum" 425000
604255 "Halvorson, Crona and Champlin" "US" null 430000
163416 "Purdy-Kunde" "APAC" "Silver" 410000

Method 2

This may be considered the idiomatic polars way, although it uses many aspects of the library. As such, it may be difficult to remember.

 .select(pl.all() col: col.replace(' ', '_')))
shape: (20, 5)
Customer_ID Customer_Name Region_Name Segment Sales_In_Dollars
i64 str str str i32
740150 "Barton LLC" "US" "Gold" 215000
714466 "Trantow-Barrows" "EMEA" "Silver" 430000
218895 "Kulas Inc" "EMEA" "Platinum" 410000
257198 "Cronin, Oberbrunner and Spence… "US" "Platinum" 425000
604255 "Halvorson, Crona and Champlin" "US" null 430000
163416 "Purdy-Kunde" "APAC" "Silver" 410000

Method 3

This is my personal favorite. It’s short and easy to remember.

 .rename(lambda col: col.replace(' ', '_'))
shape: (20, 5)
Customer_ID Customer_Name Region_Name Segment Sales_In_Dollars
i64 str str str i32
740150 "Barton LLC" "US" "Gold" 215000
714466 "Trantow-Barrows" "EMEA" "Silver" 430000
218895 "Kulas Inc" "EMEA" "Platinum" 410000
257198 "Cronin, Oberbrunner and Spence… "US" "Platinum" 425000
604255 "Halvorson, Crona and Champlin" "US" null 430000
163416 "Purdy-Kunde" "APAC" "Silver" 410000

Check out Polars course to learn more about this new and fast data processing library.