How to spend your hard-earned money


Joram Mutenge


July 18, 2024

Easy come, easy go applies to money more than to anything else. Money earned with your blood, sweat, and tears is spent wisely. Money handed to you is spent carelessly.

You should seek advice on spending money only when it’s given to you, or you inherit it. It’s been my experience that money earned through hard work is already planned for before it is acquired.

It’s strange that most people think if you’re not spending money their way then you aren’t spending it right. And if you’re not enjoying yourself according to their taste, then you’re not having a good time.

You should spend your hard-earned money however you want, even if others think you’re misusing it. You should be the one deciding what to spend your money on. My only advice is that you consider investing some of it. Remember:

Investing is the best way to ensure that where there’s sweat, there’s sweet until there’s no more sweat but sweet only.