Timing is everything, but be prepared


Joram Mutenge


July 15, 2024

Sometimes, it’s not the best person who wins, but the one with the best timing.

Most people think timing is out of their control. Far from it. You can engineer timing by looking out for situations that are conducive to what you want to accomplish. When you do this, you increase your chances of winning.

But you must be prepared to act when the timing is right. In other words, you must have the necessary tools and skills under your belt when you stumble on an opportunity.

There’s nothing more painful than seeing an opportunity and not having what it takes to go after it. It’s better to be prepared for an opportunity and not get it than to get it when you’re unprepared.

Be prepared all the time. Hone your skills while there’s still time to do so. Success happens when preparation meets opportunity.