Winners of the posit table contest are announced!


Joram Mutenge


July 3, 2024

A few weeks ago, I participated in the Posit Table contest where I submitted this table. I was proud of the work I did. Two days ago, the winners for various categories were announced. I wasn’t one of the winners, but I received an honorable mention here. That means a lot to me!

Participating in the table contest was a great learning experience. I learned a lot about the great tables library and I’ll use it more often in my data analysis.

Frankly, I wasn’t surprised that Melissa Van Bussel won the contest. Her Spotify Hits table was well designed, incorporating multiple functionalities of the great tables library. Moreover, she made a video explaining how she created the table. Watching her videos advanced my knowledge of the library. Keep up the good work, Melissa!

Congratulations to all the winners of the contest and those who received honorable mentions like I did. I hope you learned as much as I did participating in this contest. Carry on being a learning machine!