Filling the glass


Joram Mutenge


July 2, 2024

It’s said that the world can be divided into two groups of people. Those who see the glass half-full and those who see it half-empty.

This may be true, but many people waste time thinking about which group they belong to. Knowing the group you belong to is not only difficult but also unimportant. Your focus, instead, should be on filling the glass. Remember:

It doesn’t matter if the glass is half-full or half-empty. What matters is what’s in the glass.

If you are a glass-half-full person, you can pour from the cup all right but if you keep pouring, you’ll run out eventually.

If you are a glass-half-empty person, you wouldn’t even dare to pour from the glass. What would be the point, anyway?

Thus, boxing yourself into either of these categories is pointless. Your time is better spent filling the glass with the right stuff so you can keep pouring from it.