Ask for forgiveness, not permission


Joram Mutenge


June 25, 2024

Are you afraid of taking action? Do you usually wait for someone to tell you to go ahead? This is a common situation many people find themselves in.

Most people have wonderful projects that, unfortunately, only remain as ideas in their heads. They never work on them because they think they cannot do it. Instead, they seek permission to work on those projects.

taking risks and having fun

Sadly, permission doesn’t come easily. The people in charge of granting that permission are usually hesitant because they know they’ll be blamed if things don’t work out.

Instead of chasing permission, which you probably won’t get, go ahead with the work. If you want to start a business, go ahead and do it. Remember:

It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than to get permission.

Most people would be more willing to excuse your mistakes than to permit you to do something that you will blame them for if it doesn’t work out.

Waiting for permission is a lazy person’s excuse to not do stuff.

Don’t be lazy, do stuff!