Yesterday, you said tomorrow


Joram Mutenge


June 14, 2024

Nike owns the slogan, “Just do it”, but you can use it for your own motivation. Moreover, the slogan applies to more than just athletes. Anyone can use it. I’ve used the slogan many times to better myself and it has worked even though I haven’t an athletic bone in me.

The slogan “Just do it” reminds you to do what you need to do without hesitation. It discourages overthinking before taking action. Forget “I’ll do it later,” or “I need to prepare a little bit more.” Just do it!

Remember, overthinking is the act of creating problems that don’t exist. When you overthink, you prevent yourself from taking action.

Don’t let analysis paralysis prevent you from taking action. Remember, there’s no time like the present. Just do it. Right now.