When does it hurt the most?

tv show

Joram Mutenge


May 24, 2024

In 2023, I watched The Office for the first time. I know I’m late to the party, but I had to watch it because I was missing out on the references that people I encountered kept using.

Although the first season was released almost twenty years ago, the show still holds up. It’s funny and witty. I enjoyed the running joke, “That’s what she said.” Especially the scene where Michael Scott brings a huge Christmas tree into the office. Upon seeing the tree, Angela is astonished and exclaims, “How did you get it so big?!” Michael Scott replies, “That’s what she said.” That killed me.

But what made me write this post isn’t how funny the show is but what Dwight Schrute said:

It’s better to be hurt by someone you know accidentally than by a stranger on purpose.

What Dwight said made me realize that as long as we’re alive, we’re bound to experience hurt. No matter how carefully you live life you cannot avoid being hurt.

While I agree with Dwight, I really wouldn’t want to be hurt by someone I know on purpose. That kind of hurt comes with disappointment, increasing the intensity of the hurt. It hurts the most to be deliberately hurt by someone you know.